Why maintain your ISO system the Qshare way?

Professional maintenance frees your personnel to focus on core business

The Qshare way of maintaining ISO management systems simply makes sense. It releases people in your organization to concentrate on other things while professionals take care of your ISO management system. Even if you have specific management personnel responsible for your management systems, engaging outside ISO consultants to complement these managers is more cost-effective and adds more value than expanding the department with additional employees. In other words ISO Maintenance outsourced and at its best.

Competitive costs

The competitive cost of Qshare Central coupled with its unique benefits make it the most attractive proposal in the area of ISO management systems so far.


The Qshare solution offers a far better guarantee of continuity than company employees that may leave the company. In many cases companies have lost or very nearly lost their ISO certifications due to the loss of a key employee that was the only one who knew where everything was.

Fresh perspective and judgment

Our ISO consultants being outside your organization always come with a fresh set of eyes. They conduct their responsibilities without fear or favor and report the status of your ISO management system in a very professional manner. External ISO consultants like ours are usually above departmental rivalries and other internal company issues that may sway their judgment in crucial activities like ISO audits and other ISO assessments.

At the same time, you will find that EQS ISO consultants easily get along with your team and in most cases are soon perceived to be part of your office community.